“Virginia is a fantastic coach.  She listened to my concerns and struggles with an open heart and an open mind. 

I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed with making decisions for what’s next in my business.  Virginia helped me gather my thoughts/dreams and translate them into achievable goals. 

I am now feeling much more confident about what steps I need to take in the next year. 

I am sure Virginia can help you move from feeling overwhelmed to flourishing!”

Shanna P. – small business owner


I started working with Virginia in the midst of severe burnout, feeling completely paralyzed and unable to move past my mental roadblocks caused by my anxiety.

Virginia listened attentively and took the time to fully understand my goals and guided me through questions to help me uncover the best next steps, without overwhelming my already hectic schedule.

Her down to earth, empathetic, and compassionate coaching style made her so easy to talk to and share my struggles without any feelings of judgment. 

Since working with Virginia, I find myself appreciating and celebrating small wines MORE, and setting unrealistic expectations for myself LESS. 

If you’re experiencing burnout, and feeling stuck, Virginia will help you get back on track!”


Before working with Virginia, I was feeling scattered and drained by the pandemic and some family challenges.

Virginia’s wisdom, humor and powerful questions helped me completely shift into a new and empowering perspective on my life.

Through her guidance, I took concrete actions on establishing healthy emotional boundaries, focusing on my top priorities and leveling up in my work and my personal life. 

Hiring Virginia was the biggest game changer for me this year!”