
Three Simple Things You Can Do to Get Your Personal Goals on Track

We are halfway through the year, so your HR system is probably sending you reminders that it is time to do quarterly check-ins or mid-year reviews with your team.

So, what about the goals, resolutions, or intentions you set in January?

Do you even remember what they are?

 If you honestly do not remember, it is okay!   

Let’s just set new ones! 

You have plenty of time to achieve them.  But this time let’s make them SMART goals.

Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound. 

Some of the reasons you may not make progress or even remembered these are that the goals were too general or were not truly a priority.

If you know what you wanted to accomplish this year but have not made the progress you wanted, let’s look at what got in the way. You have a few weeks left to June, so take time to reflect. 

These are some of the most common reasons you did not make progress or gave up.

·        You were not specific enough with what you wanted to accomplish

·        You did not make your goals a priority

·        You did not give yourself to put time on your calendar for your goals

·        Lack of an accountability system

Once you identify what prevented your progress, work to remove those obstacles.

·        Set specific goals

·        Decided what may need to be deprioritized

·        Schedule the time to work towards them. 

·        Create an accountability system. 

This is where a coach can be helpful. We work with you to create your goals, making sure they are realistic and measurable. And we create accountability! 

I open every coaching session by asking for a status update.

There is a reason your HR system requires goals to be recorded, progress to be reported, and a target date.

Use the same approach for your personal goals. Write them down, periodically check your progress, and have an accountability system. 

If you miss your goals at work, you are at risk of financial consequences. If you miss your personal goals the consequences could be much worse.

·        Health issues

·        Damaged relationships

·        Regrets

These can be much more costly than a few percentage points on your bonus!

If you are ready to get your personal goals on track, reach out. Click here to schedule a call. https://calendly.com/virginiawalton/discovery-call

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